Christian DISC®

DiSC provides broad awareness of behavior style.

What makes Christian DISC unique?

The Christian DISC® is a personality assessment that divides personality into four types, and features suggestions integrated with scripture and wisdom from God's Word. 

The DISC model is different because it is effective at not only helping people understand themselves, but also in understanding others. There are four main personality types profiled by the DISC and their relation to one another is easier to apprehend as a whole.

​This makes it an excellent tool to use with groups as well as individuals. For this reason, the DISC Assessment has been widely used in corporate settings for decades. 

Christian DISC® Assessment (Faith Version) with Report

Single-use access to the Christian DISC® Assessment. Generates a detailed report (17-18 pages) in PDF format for one user.

Classic DISC Assessment (Non-Faith Version) with Report

Single-use access to the Classic DISC Assessment. Generates a detailed report (12-14 pages) in PDF format for one user.

Thanks to Dušan Smetana for sharing their work on Unsplash. 

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